Lesson 11: Play IS curriculum


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to

  • Define infant and toddler curriculum.
  • Discuss why infant and toddler curriculum is important.
  • Evaluate an infant toddler curriculum using a set of standards and summarize the results.


Picture this: It is your first day on the job and you are sitting in a room of 8 infants and toddlers. There are a few small soft blocks, a basket of rattle toys and books on the circle carpet where you are. Two toddlers laugh as they throw the block to each other and you hear a teacher say, "Blocks are for stacking." You try to engage them in stacking those blocks but they really just want to throw and attempt catching. (LIGHT BULB). You need to get some balls out so they can practice throwing and rolling. You could maybe even add a few books about blocks and balls to add on to their interest. You talk to the teacher and you have decided you will add the balls and a few books and tomorrow is a new day.

You just PLANNED an ACTIVITY and MODIFIED the environment based on and OBSERVATION of PLAY. You are implementing the characteristics of infant and toddler CURRICULUM.

Curriculum does not always mean planning every second of the day with activities that the children have to do. Infant toddler curriculum is about:

  • Being intentional
  • Play
  • Observation
  • Relationships
  • Play
  • Planning
  • Evidence based practices
  • Flexibility
  • Play
  • Spontaneity
  • Interest based activities
  • Goal oriented experiences
  • Play
  • And more

Curriculum is merely, a way to plan and organize what you are going to do, articulate why you are going to do it and describe how you will implement.

Some settings may have a standard curriculum that they use but if you look into it a little further, most infant toddler curriculums are play based. Two of the major curriculums used in infant and toddler classrooms are Creative Curriculum and High Scope.

In the article, Infants Have Their Own Curriculum it addresses the need to have a responsive curriculum that considers stages of infant, a holistic view, a focus on relationships, respect for family culture and more.


Lesson 11 Assignment

Curriculum analysis and evaluation I want you to choose the High Scope or Creative Curriculum and assess it based on several factors. Your write up should address the following:
1. A detailed summary of the curriculum
2. Does the curriculum focus on play?
3. Does the curriculum meet the standards set in the article such as:

a. Developing a safe and interesting place for learning
b. Establishing small groups
c. Selecting developmentally appropriate materials
d. Promoting family cultures
e. Recognizing different stages of development
f. Having a holistic approach
g. Focusing on relationships
h. Interest based
i. Goal oriented
j. Allowing for flexibility and spontaneity
k. Emphasizing intentionality
l. Discussing observation informed activities
m. Connecting home and school
n. Including parents

4. A summary of pros and cons
5. Who uses this curriculum and why? (Be specific – what centers or daycares in Maine use this curriculum)
6. Concluding thoughts

a. What is your stance on curriculum?
b. Would you use this curriculum? Why or why not?