
The MCCS (Maine Community College System), states that no person, other than law enforcement and supervised educational programs may possess a firearm on MCCS property. This includes personal vehicles parked on property owned and operated by the MCCS.

The Maine Community College System Policy on Firearms states:

“Pursuant to P.L. 2007, ch. 67 §1, no person other than those specified below may possess a firearm on, or discharge a firearm within 500 feet of, property owned, operated or occupied by a college and/or the System. This includes residence halls and motor vehicles parked on such property. Persons who violate this policy may be subject to removal, discipline and/or other lawful remedies.”

For purposes of this policy, the following terms have the following meanings:

1. “Firearm” means any weapon, whether loaded or unloaded, which is designed to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive and includes any such weapon commonly referred to as a pistol, revolver, rifle, gun, semi-automatic gun, machine gun, shotgun or any other weapon that can be made into a firearm by inserting a firing pin, or other similar thing, or by repair;

2. “Possession” means ownership, care, custody or control whether concealed or in plain view; and

3. “Property” means all colleges, campuses, off-campus centers, buildings, parking lots and all other grounds owned, operated or occupied by an entity of the MCCS.