Faculty Guide - Faculty Job Description and Evaluation

Faculty Job Description
This document relates to full-time faculty and includes evaluate of duties such as advising

Adjunct Faculty Job Description
This document relates to the teaching and other duties that an adjunct faculty may engage in

Online Faculty Addendum
This addendum identifies the specific expectations regarding teaching online (it MAY also be used to evaluate the online component of hybrid delivered classes) - This document is currently not "official" but a work in progress.)

snoopy fooled by job description

Faculty Evaluation Procedure

The Department intends to provide a reasonable and effective method of evaluation for all full-time and part-time faculty. To this end we will utilize Blackboard to process these evaluations each semester that you are teaching.

Within the Discussions section of this course a Discussion Board has been created for the purpose of Evaluation and personal communication with the Chair of the Department.

Evaluations will be conducted at the end of each academic semester and will be self administered by completing the document listed here:

Faculty Evaluation Excel File

This file will be submitted, as an attachment, into your individual Faculty Evaluation discussion board where it will be reviewed by the Department Chair. The Chair may then amend the evaluation to reflect their perspective. The document will exchange hands until both parties are in agreement that the evaluation reflects the true performance and is fair in any suggestions for improvement.

A final version of the "approved" evaluation will be then submitted to the same Discussion Board and will remain there as evidence of the process.